Substance Screening
Substance Screening
Plain whole blood cultures from healthy donors or patients
A closed whole blood collection and culture system for clinical studies
HOT Co-Cultures
Multi-layered cell cultures for modelling complex tissues
HOT Solids – Material Testing
Agitated or circulating whole blood cultures to detect immunomodulatory properties

The Faster Way to Better Drugs

From late failure to early success - 90 % of all clinical studies fail after usually 10+ years of highly expensive preclinical development.

Make Drug Development Faster, Safer, Less Expensive and More Reliable

HOT Screen is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) with more than 25 years of experience in contract research and contract development.

Our highly standardized, yet complex cell culture solutions for in vivo-like substance characterization and profiling, called Human Organo-Typic (HOT) Systems, help to reduce attrition rates in the later, clinical phases of drug development.

Substance Screening

Plain whole blood culture models form the basis for a first comprehensive activity profiling of primary as well as secondary effects of drugs acting on the immune system.

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Bed-side test for organotypic immunopharmacologic profiling of drugs in clinical trials (closed whole blood collection and culture system)

HOT Co-Cultures

The use of organ-specific 3D Co-Culture models allows the generation of tissue-specific activity profiling.

HOT Solids - Material Testing

Detailed whole blood tests can reveal both desired and undesired immunomodulatory properties of (bio)materials/implants already at an early stage of development.

Why choose HOT Screen?



We provide more than 25 years of extensive experience in the critical testing of complex biological and immunopharmacologically active materials.

Comprehensive consulting

Comprehensive consulting

We provide expert guidance on anticipated immunomodulatory effects and thorough evaluation of measured results

Highly flexible test systems

Highly flexible test systems

All our test systems can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

High standards

High standards

All HOT Screen services are provided under ISO 9001