Human Organo-Typic Models

From linear thinking to complex
models or from late stage failure
to early success

Improving Preclinical Drug Testing with Organotypic Cell Cultures

In the past two decades preclinical drug R&D saw a rapidly increasing interest in so-called organotypic cell culture models mirroring in vivo conditions much better than any in vitro system employing isolated tissue cells. This is particularly true for the human immune system, where numerous types of immune cells need to cross-talk to each other, but also communicate with local cells of diseased tissues (epithelia from gut, skin, bronchi, etc.). Only an appropriate combination of cells, together with a physiologically correct architecture enables a meaningful and comprehensive characterization of drug activity profiles

  • Complexity forms the background of drug effects on the human immune system in vivo
  • Complexity in vitro, handled properly, widens the view on the drug activity profiles and also increases the translational value of test results substantially
  • HOT culture and co-culture models provide access to physiological complexity even at early stages of drug discovery in vitro

Human Organo-Typic Models

Our HOT Test Systems offer the right degree of complexity depending on your requirements and enable meaningful and reliable statements to be made.

  • Substance Screening
    Plain whole blood cultures from healthy donors or patients (Read more)
  • TruCulture®
    A closed whole blood collection and culture system for clinical studies (Read more)
  • HOT Co-Cultures
    Complex, multi-layered cell cultures (HOT-Co diabetes, HOT-Co lung, HOT-Co skin, HOT-Co gut,
    HOT-Co joint, HOT-Co vein) (Read more)
  • HOT Solids – Material Testing
    Agitated or circulating whole blood cultures to reveal immunomodulatory properties (Read more)

You have the substance - we have the test system or we customize it

All of our culture systems can be modified to meet the requirements of different pathophysiologically relevant situations, as well as the mode of the test substance in question.

The translational value of HOT Test Systems

See data below illustrating the translational relevance of the combined use of such models.

All HOT Screen Culture Models are for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures

Whole Blood and HOT Co-Culture services are performed by expert cell and tissue culture scientists and technicians at HOT Screen where these proprietary drug profiling systems were developed and have been successfully employed for more than 25 years.

Combine these testing models with Multi-Analyte Profiling (MAP) for a comprehensive mediator analysis.

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Would you like to learn more about our services, explore data or request price information? Please contact us - we are happy to get you acquainted with HOT Screen.

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