Cell Culture Services

Contract research and development for functional characterization of immuno-biologically active substances and materials

The human immune system is regulated by a complex network of signals between various cell types. The combination of cell types, structures, and interactions must be preserved in any testing model to accurately assess the effects an investigational product may have on the human immune system. To provide researchers with reliable in vitro testing models throughout the development continuum, HOT Screen offers highly standardized, yet complex cell culture solutions for in vivo-like substance characterization and profiling, called Human Organo-Typic (HOT) systems.

Substance Screening

Plain whole blood culture models form the basis for a first comprehensive activity profiling of primary as well as secondary effects of drugs acting on the immune system

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Bed-side test for organotypic immunopharmacologic profiling of drugs in clinical trials (closed whole blood collection and culture system)

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HOT Co-Cultures

The use of organ-specific 3D Co-Culture models allows the generation of tissue-specific activity profiling.

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HOT Solids - Material Testing

Detailed whole blood tests can reveal both desired and undesired immunomodulatory properties of (bio)materials/implants already at an early stage of development.

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Immuno-pharmacological and immuno-toxicological characterization, primarily in highly standardized complex human cell culture models

Contract development of customized cellular and non-cellular test systems, e.g. bioassays for quality control of recombinant proteins.

Consulting services around clinical trials for immunologically active drugs (anti-inflammatory, immuno-suppressive, immuno-potentiating, etc.)

Moreover, we provide more than 25 years of extensive experience in the critical testing of a wide spectrum of samples (such as: complex natural preparations, small molecules, biologicals, probiotic bacteria, implantable materials, etc.)